LOVE THIS APP!!! It sends the most amazing daily quotes, set to beautiful background images. I love that the app allows you to change the background. One suggestion I have is to offer a wider range of these beautiful background pictures to choose from.. Nothing wrong with the current pictures, they are so beautiful. A broader selection would definitely increase my use of sharing. The option of more background pics would allow me to share the quotes, without using the same pics over, and over again.
I still give 5 stars Bc the quotes are so extremely inspirational to me. I absolutely love them, Bc my life is in such a rut, current. These quotes help me get through each day.
Other great options the app offers is the ability to change the background of your daily quote, and the ability to search through past, AND, future quotes. You simply click the back or forward arrows, or click the calendar to pick a specific date, rather than scrolling through each day. I love that that choice is available.